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The Buyer can pay for the goods as follows:

  • Online payments (bank links).
  • By credit or debit card.
  • Bank transfer (based on a proforma invoice).
More details about payment options:

Online payments (bank links) are made from your bank account. This is a fast and secure payment method designed for online shopping. To make a payment, select your bank, log in, and confirm the payment.

You can also pay for the goods with VISA, MasterCard, and Maestro credit and debit cards that have the option for secure online payments activated. You can activate this option in your online banking. Once you have entered the cardholder's details, card number, expiration date, and CVV code, the order amount will be deducted from your bank account immediately.

Bank transfers can be made to the bank account specified in the proforma invoice. Please enter your order number in the reference field so that your order can be processed as quickly as possible.

Delivery and collection of goods

The buyer makes a choice regarding the method of delivery of the goods (parcel machine, courier service, etc.) during the order process and bears the transport costs.

If the cost of the purchase-sale transaction exceeds €10, the transport within Estonia is free (only to the parcel machine).
The cost of international transport depends on the country of destination.

Transport price list
Cost of goods Courier service Parcel machine
<10€ 5€ 2.5€
>10€ 5€ 0€

22% VAT is added to all prices.

Regarding express transport, please contact us via e-mail [email protected].

It is possible to send parcels up to 31.5 kg with the parcel machine.
The maximum dimensions (height, width, length) are: 36 x 43 x 61 cm.

In the case of courier services, the weight of the package can be up to 31.5 kg, and the longest side of the shipment can be a maximum of 175 cm, and the sum of the circumference and the longest side of the package can be up to 3.0 m (2 x height + 2 x width + longest side).

1. General regulations

  • 1.1. This purchase regulation, along with the documents mentioned in the regulation, is intended to provide information about the company Automaatikakeskus OÜ (Seller) and the terms of sale of goods (Goods) in this online store to individuals (Buyer) purchasing Goods in the online store.
  • 1.2. This regulation applies to the sale of Goods in all Contracts (Agreements) concluded between the Seller and the Buyer. Before ordering the Goods from the online store, please read this Regulation carefully and make sure you have understood it correctly. Please note that before completing the order, the Buyer is obliged to confirm that they agree to this Regulation and the Privacy Policy. If the Buyer refuses to do so, the order cannot be completed, and the Goods cannot be ordered.
  • 1.3. It is recommended that the Buyer prints out or saves this Regulation for use.
  • 1.4. We also inform you that this Regulation may be amended as provided for in section 6. When ordering Goods, we recommend reading this Regulation again each time to ensure that the Buyer fully understands the terms under which they are placing the order.
  • 1.5. This Regulation and all Contracts concluded between the Seller and the Buyer are drawn up in the state language.

2. Information About the Seller

  • 2.1. This Regulation applies to the purchase of Goods at The Seller is Automaatikakeskus OÜ, a properly registered and operating company in the Republic of Estonia, legal entity registration code: 12851269, address: Kadaka tee 42a, Tallinn, 12915. Data about the legal entity is collected and stored in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Estonia, and the registrar is the Centre of Registers and Information Systems. The Seller's VAT registration number is EE101992253.
  • 2.2. More information about the Seller is provided in the "About Us" section.
  • 2.3. The Seller's contact information is provided in the "Contacts" section.

3. Goods

  • 3.1. The colors of the Goods received by the Buyer and those presented in the online store may vary slightly because the color resolution depends on the individual computer characteristics of the Buyer. Additionally, the Goods presented in the online store images may include additional accessories or components that are not included in the product package for sale (the product package is indicated in the "Product Information" section of the Product advertisement). The Product is considered as being in conformity with the offer if it corresponds to the sample, model, and/or description presented in the online store.
  • 3.2. The packaging for transporting the Product may differ from what is shown in the pictures on the online store. Modifying the product's packaging, with the aim of ensuring proper and safe transport of the Product, does not alter the characteristics and/or functions of the Product as indicated in the online store.
  • 3.3. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, all Products listed in the online store are available. In the event that the ordered Product is no longer available, the Buyer will be notified immediately via email or other means (phone call and/or SMS). In such a case, the Seller will offer the Buyer a possible way to resolve the issue (e.g., refund, additional time for Product delivery, delivery of a similar Product, etc.). If the Buyer does not accept any of the Seller's offers, the order for the Product will be terminated.
  • 3.4. The Seller has the right to establish a minimum and/or maximum order quantity for a specific product for individual orders.

4. Processing of Personal Data

  • 4.1. The Seller processes the Buyer's personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy. Given that the Privacy Policy includes essential principles of this Regulation, we recommend that the Buyer carefully read it and ensure that they understand and accept all the principles of the Privacy Policy.

5. Conclusion of the Purchase-Sale Agreement

  • 5.1. The following Buyers can purchase Goods in this online store:
  • a) private persons who are at least 14 (fourteen) years old;
  • b) legal entities.
  • 5.2. By confirming their familiarity with this Regulation, the individual confirms that they have the right to purchase Goods from this online store.
  • 5.3. The cost of the ordered Goods must not be less than the minimum amount specified in the "Delivery" section.
  • 5.4. The ordering procedure for the Product established by the Seller gives the Buyer the opportunity to review the order and correct any errors before finalizing the order. It is recommended that the Buyer carefully reads their completed order and verifies it at every stage of order submission.
  • 5.5. The Agreement between the Buyer and the Seller is considered concluded from the moment the Buyer has compiled their Shopping Cart on the online store, provided their first and last name (in Latin letters) and delivery address, the exact postal code, chosen the method of payment, familiarized themselves with this Regulation, and clicked the "Order" button to pay for the order. The Seller has the right to contact the Buyer regarding issues related to the Agreement concluded, or to resolve any ambiguities that may arise during the fulfillment of the Agreement.
  • 5.6. If the Buyer places an order and pays for it, a confirmation email will be sent to them confirming the receipt of the order.
  • 5.7. After placing the order, the Seller will send the Buyer an email and/or a text message notifying them that the Goods have been sent to the Buyer.
  • 5.8. All Contracts (orders) concluded between the Buyer and the Seller are registered and stored in the online store's database.
  • 5.9. When concluding the Agreement, the Buyer gives their consent for an electronic VAT invoice to be sent to the email address provided during the purchase process. The VAT invoice will be sent by email on business days within 6 (six) business days from the date of receipt of the Goods or from the date when the Seller hands over the Goods to the courier (if the Goods are delivered to the Buyer using courier services). Please note that the VAT invoice is issued with the date of delivery to the Buyer or the date of handing over the Goods to the courier (depending on which method of delivery the Seller's suppliers use in this specific case to deliver the Goods).
  • 5.10. In exceptional cases, if the Seller is unable to sell the Product, for example, because the Product is no longer in stock or is no longer available for sale, the Seller will notify the Buyer by email or other means of communication (phone call and/or SMS) and offer the Buyer a possible solution to the problem (e.g., refund, extension of the delivery time for the Product, delivery of a similar Product, etc.). If the Buyer does not agree to any of the Seller's proposals, the fulfillment of the Product order will be terminated.
  • 5.11. The Buyer's rights that arise from purchasing a non-conforming Product and are provided for in the laws of the Republic of Estonia are not affected by the return rules set out in points 7 and other sections of this Regulation.

6. Right to Amend the Regulation

  • 6.1 The Seller has the right to amend these Rules. Each time Goods are ordered, the version of the Rules that was in effect at the time of entering into the Agreement between the Seller and the Buyer is applied. The version of the Rules that was in effect when the Buyer placed their order, which was sent to the Buyer along with the order confirmation, applies to orders submitted and not yet completed before the new Rules take effect.
  • 6.2 Whenever changes are made to the Rules, the Seller will inform the Buyer and indicate that the Rules have been amended, specifying the date of the amendment, as stated in point 1.4 of these Rules.

7. Returning Goods, Withdrawal from the Agreement

  • 7.1. The Buyer has the right to withdraw from the Agreement and return the received (dispatched) Goods without giving a reason, within the period specified in point 7.3 of these Rules. This provision means that if, within the specified period, the Buyer changes their mind or decides to abandon the Goods for any other reason, they have the right to inform the Seller orally or in writing of their decision to return the Goods to the Seller and demand a refund of the money paid for the Goods. The Buyer is responsible for the costs of returning the Goods.
  • 7.2. The right of withdrawal from the Agreement and the return of the Goods do not apply to contracts in cases where:
  • a) contracts for the production of Goods for the Buyer based on the Buyer's individual order, which were not pre-manufactured and are manufactured taking into account the Buyer's personal choice or instructions, as well as for Goods that are clearly customized for the Buyer's personal needs;
  • b) in the case of perishable Goods or Goods with a short shelf life;
  • c) for packaged Goods that have been taken out of the packaging after delivery and cannot be returned for health or hygiene reasons;
  • d) for Goods that, due to their nature, have become inseparably mixed with other items after delivery;
  • e) for packaged software that has been taken out of the packaging after delivery.
  • 7.3. The Buyer's right to withdraw from the Agreement and return the Goods applies only to individuals and arises from the date of concluding the Agreement, as defined in section 5 of these Rules. The Buyer has the right to withdraw from the Agreement and return the Product to the Seller within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of delivery of the Product to them and to demand a refund for the Product.
  • 7.4. The Buyer who wishes to return the Goods and terminate the Agreement must contact the Seller by phone or send a written statement to the Seller in a free-form containing the decision to terminate the Agreement. Upon receipt of the Buyer's notice, the Seller will immediately send a confirmation of receipt.
  • 7.5. Items can be exchanged and/or returned from a parcel locker using a return code, subject to the exceptions listed under "Return and Warranty."
  • 7.6. The Buyer must return or hand over the Goods to the Seller or a person authorized by the Seller without delay and in any case not later than within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of communication of the decision to withdraw from the Agreement, except in cases where the Seller has offered to pick up the Goods themselves. In such a case, the Seller will pick up the Goods. The deadline is met if the Buyer returns the Goods before the 14-day period expires.
  • 7.7. If the buyer withdraws from the contract and returns the goods, the full amount paid for the goods or, in the circumstances mentioned in clause 7.8, a portion of it, including the delivery costs, shall be refunded. The seller shall refund the entire amount or part of the amount paid for the goods to the buyer no later than 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the goods, or from the date of dispatch of the document proving the dispatch of the goods to the seller. Return of goods. The current prices for delivery and service are provided in the "Delivery" section. If only part of the goods is returned, the delivery costs of that goods will be refunded if there was a delivery fee for that item. If the product is returned due to quality defects, the provisions of section 7.11 of these Rules shall apply. 7.8. The buyer is responsible for any decrease in the value of the goods (including, but not limited to, the cases mentioned in clause 7.9 of these Rules) if it has occurred due to actions that were not necessary to determine the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the goods. The seller has the right to unilaterally reduce the amount to be refunded to the buyer in proportion to the decrease in the value of the goods.
  • 7.9. The buyer is responsible for the decrease in the value of the product if the product is returned or its packaging is damaged, the product has lost its commercial appearance (damaged labels, protective film, etc.), the product has been used, the product is without authentic labels, protective covers, and the same accessories with which it was sold, the product is in dirty and/or non-original packaging (without instructions and warranty if they were supplied with the product), of a different composition than the one purchased by the buyer, or gifts handed over to the buyer along with the product, product accessories, or accessories have not been returned.
  • 7.10. When returning, it is necessary to present the VAT invoice (its number), or a cash receipt, or another document confirming the purchase of the product from the seller (e.g., a payment card statement), and the order number.
  • 7.11. If the goods are returned to the seller due to defects in the quality of the goods, the seller undertakes to fully refund the buyer the price paid for the defective goods and compensate for the shipping and return costs. If only part of the goods is returned, the shipping cost will be refunded only if the remaining goods on the same order, if purchased separately, would have had a lower shipping cost than the shipping cost that applied when purchasing the goods to be returned, and only to the extent equal to the difference in that shipping cost. If a different method of returning the product was chosen other than offered by the seller and, therefore, disproportionate or very high costs were incurred, the seller is not obliged to cover such product return costs.
  • 7.12. In practice, the seller transfers the refunded amounts to the buyer's specified bank account in any bank operating in the Republic of Estonia.
  • 7.13. The seller has the right not to refund sums paid by the buyer or part thereof until the goods are returned or until the buyer provides proof of the shipment of the goods.
  • 7.14. If the goods are delivered to the buyer after the cancellation of the contract:
  • a) The buyer must immediately return the goods to the seller;
  • b) except in cases related to non-quality goods, as described in clause 11, the buyer is responsible for reimbursing the seller for the cost of returning the goods;
  • c) The buyer is obliged to keep the goods properly until they are returned to the seller.
  • d) The price paid for the goods and the shipping costs will be refunded to the buyer in accordance with clause 7.
  • 7.15. In all cases, the buyer has rights arising from the purchase of non-conforming goods as provided for in the laws of the Republic of Estonia. The return rules set out in sections 7 and other parts of these Rules do not affect the exercise of these rights.

8. Delivery

The value of the goods to be delivered must not be less than the minimum amount specified in the "Delivery" section of the shopping cart.

  • 8.1. At the buyer's choice, the goods shall be delivered to the buyer's address at the buyer's expense by a transport company. In individual cases specified by the seller, the goods shall be delivered at the seller's expense.
  • 8.2. The buyer who has chosen the home delivery service at the time of placing the order must specify the exact location of the delivery of the goods. The exact cost of delivery depends on the weight and price of the ordered goods. Current delivery costs are provided in the "Delivery" section.
  • 8.3. Loading and carrying services for goods must be ordered separately before paying for the goods. The buyer shall pay for loading and carrying services. In individual cases specified by the seller, the seller shall pay for loading and carrying services. Current loading and carrying service charges are provided in the "Delivery" section.
  • 8.4. The buyer's order shall be fulfilled on the planned day specified in the message sent to the buyer regarding the dispatch of the goods, as mentioned in clause 5.6, except in cases of events beyond the control of the seller (as described in section 17 of these Rules).
  • 8.5. Normally, goods are delivered to the address specified by the buyer within the period specified in the "Delivery" section. The expected delivery time of the product will always be notified to the buyer by email.
  • 8.6. If more than one unit of goods is ordered, they may be delivered at different times because they are shipped from different warehouses. No additional transportation fee will be charged for this.
  • 8.7. Ownership of the goods shall pass to the buyer at the moment when the courier hands over the goods to the buyer. The risk of accidental loss or damage to the goods shall pass to the buyer at the time when the buyer or the person designated by the buyer, other than the courier, takes possession of the goods. If the buyer has chosen the carrier of the goods themselves, and the seller did not offer such a delivery method, the risk specified in that part shall pass to the buyer when the goods are handed over to the carrier.
  • 8.8. During the delivery of the shipment, the buyer or, depending on the situation, the buyer's representative is obliged to inspect the condition of the shipment packaging, guided by the regulations of the courier services provider, as stated in the "Return and Warranty" section.
  • 8.9. If it is found that the packaging is damaged, the buyer or, depending on the situation, the buyer's representative has the right to refuse to accept the shipment. In this case, the representative of the courier services provider, together with the buyer or, depending on the situation, the buyer's representative, completes a special shipment inspection certificate describing the damage found.
  • 8.10. If the buyer or, depending on the situation, the buyer's representative has accepted the shipment and signed it in the courier service provider's handheld scanner or on the paper confirmation sheet without any notes, it shall be deemed that the goods have been delivered undamaged in the packaging, and the additional services specified in the handheld scanner or on the paper confirmation sheet have been provided properly unless proven otherwise.
  • 8.11. If the goods have been delivered to the address specified by the buyer and handed over there, it shall be deemed that the goods have been handed over to the buyer, regardless of whether the buyer actually received the goods or whether any other person received the goods at the address specified by the buyer.
  • 8.12. If the buyer cannot pick up the goods themselves, the buyer is obliged to provide the details of an authorized person to receive the goods at the time of order fulfillment.
  • 8.13. When receiving the goods, a valid identification document must be presented to properly identify the buyer. In case the buyer cannot pick up the goods themselves, but the goods have been delivered to the address specified by the buyer, the buyer shall not have the right to make claims against the seller regarding the delivery of the goods to the wrong person.
  • 8.14. Within 14 (fourteen) days from the moment of delivering the goods to the buyer's address, the buyer must inspect the packaging of the goods, quantity, external quality of the goods (i.e., whether the goods have obvious quality defects), assortment, completeness, and set. If the buyer has not fulfilled this obligation within the specified period and has not made claims to the seller, it shall be deemed that the packaging of the goods is proper, the quantity, quality, assortment, and completeness of the goods correspond to the conditions of the contract.

9. Price of Goods and Delivery Costs

  • 9.1. The prices of the products are as indicated in the online store. The Seller makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the prices of the Goods at the time of placing the order by the Buyer are accurate.
  • 9.2. The prices of the Goods may change, but such changes will not affect Contracts that have already been concluded.
  • 9.3. The prices of the Goods are stated without value-added tax (VAT). In the event that the VAT rate changes between the time of placing the order and the delivery date, the price may change accordingly, except when the Buyer has fully paid for the Goods before the change in the VAT rate. The Seller shall inform the Buyer in writing of such price changes and give the Buyer the opportunity to purchase the Goods at the revised price, taking into account the changed VAT rate, or cancel the order. The order will not be fulfilled until the Buyer's response is received. If it is not possible to contact the Buyer at the contact details provided, the order will be considered canceled, and the Buyer will be notified in writing.
  • 9.4. The prices of the Goods do not include the costs of order processing, delivery, and product delivery. The size of the delivery cost indicated in the online store may change. The delivery cost size indicated at the time of placing the order will be applied to the submitted order. Current delivery costs are provided in the "Delivery" section.

10. Reverse Charge of Value Added Tax

  • 10.1. Goods specified in the laws of the Republic of Estonia are subject to reverse charge of value-added tax. Reverse charge does not apply when a VAT-liable person placing the order makes payment from a bank account that does not belong to them. VAT refund is not available.

11. Payment

  • 11.1. The Buyer can pay for the Goods as follows:
  • • Online payments (bank links).
  • • Payment by credit or debit card.
  • • Bank transfer based on a pre-payment invoice.
  • 11.2. Legal entities are also given the option to pay by bank transfer to the Seller's bank account, as specified in the pre-payment invoice sent to the Buyer, indicating the order number given to the Buyer.
  • 11.2.1. Legal entities that pay for the Goods by bank transfer or online banking are advised to include the company code in the payment details to facilitate identification. In this case, the order can be confirmed and processed more quickly in the system.
  • 11.3. If the Buyer has chosen one of the payment methods specified in point 11.1, the Buyer is obliged to confirm the payment order in the Buyer's bank no later than 24 (twenty-four) hours after pressing the "Order" button. If the payment order is not confirmed within this deadline, the Seller has the right to assume that the Buyer has withdrawn from the Contract and cancel the order.
  • 11.4. The Goods selected by the Buyer are reserved in the Seller's system, and the Seller proceeds to fulfill the order:
  • a) When the Seller receives notice from the Buyer's bank that payment has been made for the selected Goods, in accordance with the provisions of points 11.1 and 11.2.
  • 11.5. The e-shop does not provide Tax-Free services.
  • 11.6. Detailed information regarding payment is provided in the "Payment" section.

12. Buyer's Rights

  • 12.1. The Buyer undertakes to provide only correct and comprehensive information on the purchase form. If the information provided on the purchase form changes, the Buyer is obliged to update it promptly.
  • 12.2. The Buyer undertakes to use the online store honestly and correctly, without damaging its operation or stable functioning. If the Buyer fails to comply with this obligation, the Seller has the right, without notice, to limit or suspend (terminate) the Buyer's ability to use the online store, and the Seller shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Buyer in connection with such actions.
  • 12.3. The Buyer is obliged to pay for the ordered Goods and accept them in accordance with the procedure established in these Rules.
  • 12.4. Regardless of the obligations set out in the Rules, the Buyer, before using the Goods (including assembling, mounting, etc.), must inspect and ensure that the received Goods match what the Buyer ordered.
  • 12.5. The Buyer is obliged to comply with other requirements set out in these Rules and the laws of the Republic of Estonia.

13. Manufacturer's Warranty

  • 13.1. Some Goods sold by the Seller are covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Information about this and related conditions is provided in the manufacturer's warranty included with the Goods.
  • 13.2. The manufacturer's warranty is in addition to the Buyer's rights related to non-conforming Goods.

14. Seller's Obligations

  • 14.1. The Seller undertakes to:
  • a) Make efforts to create conditions for the Buyer to use the services offered in the online store correctly.
  • b) Respect the Buyer's privacy, handle the Buyer's personal data only in accordance with the Rules, Privacy Policy, and the laws of the Republic of Estonia.
  • 14.2. The Seller undertakes to comply with all requirements set out in these Rules.

15. Quality of Goods

  • 15.1. The Seller guarantees the quality of the Goods (statutory quality guarantee). The Seller provides a certain period of validity for the quality guarantee for various types of Goods, the duration and other conditions of which are specified in the product descriptions of such Goods.
  • 15.2. Deficiencies in the Goods shall be rectified, non-quality Goods shall be exchanged, and refunds shall be made in accordance with the procedure set out in these Rules and taking into account the requirements of the laws of the Republic of Estonia, within two years from the date of delivery of the Goods, if deficiencies in the Goods occurred before the delivery of the Goods or for reasons that occurred before the delivery of the Goods and for which the Seller is responsible.
  • 15.3. The Buyer who wishes to file a complaint about non-quality or incompletely assembled Goods may do so by email at [email protected].
  • 15.4. When filing a complaint, the Buyer must provide the following information:
  • a) Order number of the Goods.
  • b) Description of the defect, signs of a malfunction, or missing parts.
  • c) Provide other evidence, such as a photo of the Goods, a photo of the defective area (if it is a mechanical damage that can be photographed), a photo of the product packaging, and other information.
  • 15.5. When filing a complaint, the Buyer is obliged to specify their preference for resolving the complaint:
  • a) That the Seller rectifies the deficiencies in the Goods free of charge within a reasonable time, if the deficiencies can be rectified.
  • b) That the Seller reduces the purchase price accordingly.
  • c) That the Goods be exchanged for Goods of equivalent quality, except in cases where the deficiencies are minor or occurred due to the fault of the Buyer.
  • d) That the Seller refunds the price of the Goods and cancels the Contract if selling Goods of non-conforming quality constitutes a material breach of the Contract.
  • 15.6. After reviewing the complaint, a response regarding the decision and actions to be taken will be provided to the Buyer within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the Buyer's complaint.
  • 15.7. Questions related to the quality of the Goods and warranty maintenance can be addressed by the Buyer by calling +372 5533042 or by emailing [email protected].

16. Liability

  • 16.1. The Buyer is responsible for any actions taken when using the online store, including, but not limited to, the accuracy of the data provided on the purchase form. The Buyer is responsible for the consequences that may arise due to errors or inaccuracies in the data provided on the purchase form.
  • 16.2. The Buyer registered with the online store is responsible for keeping their login details secure and for not passing them on to third parties. If third parties who have logged into the online store using the Buyer's login details use the services provided, the Seller considers such a person as the Buyer, and the Buyer is responsible for all actions taken by such third parties in the online store.
  • 16.3. The Seller, unless contrary to applicable laws, shall be released from any liability in cases where damages result from the fact that the Buyer, without considering the Seller's recommendations and their obligations, did not familiarize themselves with these Rules, Privacy Policy, and other documents specified in these Rules, even though the Buyer had the opportunity to do so.
  • 16.4. The Buyer is obligated to keep their online store data secure and not disclose them, ensure that the data is known only to them, and that only they use the data, not provide access to or in any other way allow other persons to become familiar with or use such data. If there is suspicion that login details have fallen into the hands of another person, the Seller must be informed immediately, in addition to notifying the Seller immediately of any breach or disclosure of the Buyer's online store login details. All actions performed using the Buyer's identification code are considered to be performed by the Buyer, and the Buyer is fully responsible for the consequences of such actions.
  • 16.5. Disputes arising from the Contract concluded through the online store will be resolved in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Estonia.
  • 16.6. In the event that the Seller violates the provisions of these Rules, they shall be liable for the damages caused to the Buyer as a result of such violation. Damages shall be deemed to be foreseeable if they are an obvious consequence of the Seller's breach or if the Seller and the Buyer understood such damages or losses at the time of concluding the Contract.
  • 16.7. The Seller shall not be responsible for the information provided on the websites of other companies, even if the Buyer accesses these websites through links in the Seller's online store, unless the website provides information about the Goods and their characteristics sold by the Seller. In this case, the Seller is responsible for providing complete, accurate, and non-misleading information about the Product.

17. Events Beyond the Seller's Control

  • 17.1. The Seller shall not be liable for the failure to perform or delay in the performance of the Contract or obligations arising from it if such non-performance or delay results from force majeure circumstances.
  • 17.2. In the event of an event beyond the Seller's control affecting the proper performance of the Seller's obligations under the Contract:
  • a) The Seller shall immediately inform the Buyer.
  • b) The Seller's performance of obligations arising from the Contract is suspended, and the deadline for the performance of obligations is extended until the events beyond the Seller's control have ceased. If events beyond the Seller's control affect the delivery of the Goods to the Buyer, the Seller will coordinate a new delivery date after the events beyond the Seller's control have ended.

18. Communication

  • 18.1. The term "in writing" as used in these Rules also includes emails.
  • 18.2. The Buyer wishing to contact the Seller in writing or in cases where the Rules prescribe that the Buyer must contact the Seller in writing, shall send an email to [email protected] or a letter to Automaatikakeskus OÜ, Kadaka tee 42a, Tallinn, Harjumaa, 12915. The Seller shall notify the Buyer of receipt of the message in writing (usually by email). In the event of withdrawal from the Contract, the procedure for contacting the Seller, as set out in Section 7 of these Rules, applies.
  • 18.3. The Seller shall send all notices to the Buyer at the Buyer's email address provided on the purchase form.

19. Other Provisions

  • 19.1. These Rules, along with documents clearly referred to, apply to all Contracts concluded between the Seller and the Buyer. Any deviations from these Rules are valid only if documented in writing.
  • 19.2. The Buyer, who follows the laws of the Republic of Estonia, has certain rights related to non-conforming Goods. No provision of these Rules should be interpreted as limiting the exercise of such rights.
  • 19.3. The Seller has the right to transfer its rights and obligations under the Contract to a third party or parties, but such transfer of rights and obligations shall not affect the rights and obligations of the Buyer under these Rules. In the event of such transfer, the Seller shall notify the Buyer of the transfer of information in the online store.
  • 19.4. The Buyer shall not have the right to transfer or assign all or part of their rights and obligations arising from these Rules to a third party or parties without the written consent of the Seller.
  • 19.5. If any provision of these Rules is declared illegal, invalid, or unenforceable by a court, the other provisions of these Rules shall remain valid and in full force. However, if any provision of these Rules is found to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable only in part or to a certain extent, it shall remain valid to the extent not declared illegal, invalid, or unenforceable.
  • 19.6. These Rules and the relations between the parties based on these Rules (including matters related to the conclusion, validity, invalidity, performance, and termination of the Contract) are governed by the laws of the Republic of Estonia.
  • 19.7. Any disputes, misunderstandings, or claims arising from these Rules or related to these Rules, their violation, termination, or invalidity, shall be finally settled in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the laws of the Republic of Estonia.
  • 19.8. Statements or complaints about Goods purchased from the Seller's online store can be submitted by the Buyer on the online dispute resolution platform of the European Commission at
  • 19.9. Consumer protection-related disputes are resolved out of court by the Estonian Consumer Protection Authority, Pronksi 12, 10117 Tallinn,

Please note that this is a translation and it is always recommended to verify legal accuracy and contractual terms from the original document with the help of a lawyer if necessary.

About us - Estonia's Largest Electronics Component Retailer! is the leading electronics component retailer in Estonia. You can quickly and easily find all the necessary electronic accessories for your projects with us. Our online store is designed to offer a wide range of electronic components and ensure a fast and convenient shopping experience.

We have millions of products available in our warehouse from over 1500 trusted suppliers. This means that you will always find the necessary components in our online store, whether they are passive elements, microcontrollers, sensors, control systems, or other electronics-related products. We are accessible to both beginners and experienced electronics enthusiasts, as well as professional engineers.

The operator of the online store is Automaatikakeskus OÜ, which has been providing high-quality electronic components and automation solutions for nearly 10 years. Our wealth of experience and commitment to customer service ensure you the best shopping experience and technical support you need. In addition, we offer fast and reliable delivery and payment options to make your purchases convenient and efficient.

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